Your guide to improving your diet during the holy month!

Februar 28, 2024

The holy month not only comes with happiness, goodness, and blessings but also healthy habits.

Ramadan, it’s known for increasing social visits between family, relatives, and friends, which Muslims take advantage of, celebrating their fasting during the day and gathering at one table at breakfast time.

However, many Muslims neglect the main goal behind fasting, which is self-control over binge eating and unhealthy eating and drinking habits.

Ramadan is the perfect opportunity for everyone to apply and benefit from many medical practices even outside of Ramadan times.

In your opinion, What are the most prominent of these positive habits that fasting people should maintain?!

● Drinking water is one of the essential habits that should be kept in your mind during the period between breakfast and suhoor, where water, fruits, and vegetables rich in water are among the most important sources that could provide the body with the water lost during the day, especially if temperatures are high during fasting.

● Starting breakfast with three dates is considered one of the traditional habits with multiple benefits where dates are a rich source of fibers. It is also good to divide breakfast into several stages. For example, if you start breakfast with a few dates with water or milk, try to separate it from the rest of the meal by praying and then returning to eat the rest of the Iftar meal, to help prepare the stomach and revitalize it after its inactivity throughout the fasting period.

● Make sure to eat healthy meals rich in vegetables, fibers, and proteins that are beneficial to the body, besides avoiding fatty and fat-filled foods as much as possible and eating until full to avoid overeating.

● Suhoor is one of the main meals for fasting people, therefore it is preferable to delay it as much as possible until before dawn so that the body can benefit from it during fasting.

● Move during the evening and exercise regularly during the period between Iftar and Suhoor. For example, you can make sure to walk continuously during the evening period after performing Taraweeh's prayers.

● Patients with chronic diseases should consult their doctor before fasting; to determine their suitability for fasting. It is essential for patients who fast to adhere to the advice of the doctor or the nutritionist, to keep the disease under control and adjust their diet and medication schedules accordingly.


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